what kinds of insurance do you accept?

At this time, I only accept private payments. When requested, a detailed receipt is provided so that you may submit for out-of-network reimbursement with your insurance provider.

how often should i have therapy?

Everyone has different therapeutic needs. Some clients prefer weekly sessions, while others do so less frequently. Together we can formulate a plan to meet your therapy needs. Often with doing ART, many clients experience the best results with at least 1-2 weeks in between sessions to allow reprocessing to occur fully before having another session.


ART, or Accelerated Resolution Therapy, is a method of psychotherapy that Phoenix is certified in which creates rapid results for a wide variety of concerns and issues. Read her blog post to learn more about what it is and how it works.

is therapy via video as good as in-person therapy?

Telehealth offers all the same benefits of therapy as meeting in-person in an office. Most things stay the same: What you share is confidential, and the platform we use for sessions is secure. Therapy via video is also beneficial for clients with social anxiety, mobility challenges, tight schedules, and more. Many people have found that they prefer telehealth therapy sessions because it’s more convenient and easier to fit into their schedule.

how do you know when therapy is “working?”

Therapy is a journey that deeply depends on the individual - how much they’re willing to participate, what they want to talk about, and what healing looks like for them. That being said, therapy is not always easy, but you’ll notice therapy is “working” when you are able to better cope with situations or people that used to cause significant distress, you have greater confidence, suffer less from anxiety, depression and painful memories, and overall feel a greater sense of well-being.